
Angry dispute

•An arrow for a crossbow; -- so named because it commonly had a square head.•Any small square or quadrangular member•A square of glass, esp. when set diagonally.•A small opening in window tracery, of which the cusps, etc., make the form nearly square.•A square or lozenge-shaped paving tile.•A glazier's diamond.•A four-sided cutting tool or chisel having a diamond-shaped end.•A breach of concord, amity, or obligation; a falling out; a difference; a disagreement; an antagonism in opinion, feeling, or conduct; esp., an angry dispute, contest, or strife; a brawl; an altercation; as, he had a quarrel with his father about expenses.•Ground of objection, dislike, difference, or hostility; cause of dispute or contest; occasion of altercation.•Earnest desire or longing.•To violate concord or agreement; to have a difference; to fall out; to be or become antagonistic.•To dispute angrily, or violently; to wrangle; to scold; to altercate; to contend; to fight.•To find fault; to cavil; as, to quarrel with one's lot.•To quarrel with.•To compel by a quarrel; as, to quarrel a man out of his estate or rights.•One who quarrels or wrangles; one who is quarrelsome.


Delta Gatti

Update: 2024-06-08