Ashley Warren Obituary, Ashley Warren Has Passed Away
Ashley Warren Obituary, Death – A multi-vehicle crash on Tuesday, October 10, disrupted the flow of traffic on the Northbound lanes of Chapman Highway around 5:30 p.m. The location of the accident was near Hendron Chapel Road, as confirmed by Mark Nagi, spokesperson for the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT).
Tragically, the Tennessee Highway Patrol (THP) reported that two lives were lost in this catastrophic collision, and their identities have been officially disclosed. One of the victims was a passenger, 31-year-old Ashley Marie Warren, and the other was the driver, 30-year-old Tyler Coy Smelcer. Both victims were tragically confirmed to have not been wearing seatbelts at the time of the crash, as noted in the THP report.
The THP report provided critical details about the incident, indicating that officers from the Blount County U.S. Marshal Joint Task Force were engaged in a pursuit involving the vehicle in which Ashley Marie Warren and Tyler Coy Smelcer were traveling. Tragically, the pursuit concluded with their vehicle colliding with two other vehicles and eventually splitting in half after striking a KUB utility pole.
The vehicles that were struck had been lawfully stopped at a traffic signal in the southbound lane at the intersection with Hendron Chapel Road when the collision occurred.
The loss of Ashley Marie Warren and Tyler Coy Smelcer is an immense tragedy, and our thoughts and condolences go out to their families and loved ones as they navigate the aftermath of this devastating accident. The incident serves as a poignant reminder of the paramount importance of seatbelt usage and the need for caution and responsible behavior on the road to ensure the safety of all road users.
As the investigation into the circumstances of this heart-wrenching incident continues, the community stands together in mourning the loss of these two lives and hopes that their memory will serve as a reminder of the critical importance of road safety for all.