
At least one and possibly two Real Madrid legend claims he could have won Ballon d'Or if n

Real Madrid legend Hugo Sanchez has claimed that he would have won at least one Ballon d'Or had the American continent not been discriminated against in the past.

Sanchez, widely hailed as one of the best Mexican players in history, was a Real Madrid player for seven long seasons between 1985 and 1992.

The center forward was impressively quick, knew how to perform in big games, and scored for fun. Sanchez played 264 games for Los Blancos, scoring a staggering 195 goals across competitions.

His exploits helped Madrid to five consecutive La Liga titles and four Copas del Rey, amongst other honors.

Despite being one of the most formidable forwards of his time, Sanchez never won the Ballon d'Or.

Speaking with Marca on his 64th birthday, the five-time La Liga top-scorer insisted that it was due to discrimination against the American continent.

He said:

“Before, players from the American continent were discriminated against because they couldn't vote for us to win the Ballon d'Or.”

When asked how many he would have won had the rules been fairer, Sanchez added:

“At least one and possibly two.”

Real Madrid’s Karim Benzema could be the first forward to win Ballon d'Or in Messi-Ronaldo era

Real Madrid striker Karim Benzema enjoyed a blistering 2021-22 campaign. The Frenchman finished as La Liga’s top scorer with 27 goals in 32 appearances.

He also scored decisive goals to take Madrid to the Champions League final, where a Vinicius Junior strike sank Liverpool. The 34-year-old’s 15-goal tally in the Champions League was the highest in Europe.

Having helped Los Blancos to La Liga and Champions League glory, Benzema seems to be the frontrunner for the 2022 Ballon d'Or.

If he does end up winning it this year, he would become the only forward to win the honor in the Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi era. The duo have dominated the podium, winning it 12 times in the last 13 years, with Luka Modric’s win in 2018 being the only exception.

A win for Benzema would also make him the first Frenchman to win the accolade in 24 years. Former Real Madrid player and manager Zinedine Zidane was the last France international to win it (1998).

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Artie Phelan

Update: 2024-06-18