
Is Brittany Renner pregnant? Influencer raises eyebrows with YG cover art

Brittany Renner and YG have set the internet ablaze with the latter’s cover art for a new song. The rapper’s latest track Toxic’s cover art features the Instagram influencer with an apparent baby bump.

Netizens were stunned by the same and confused about whether the internet personality was pregnant.

However, neither Renner nor YG have given any confirmation about the former being pregnant.

Netizens react to YG's latest cover art (Image via yg/Instagram)

On Thursday, August 11, the Stop Snitchin singer unveiled the artwork for his upcoming single. In the picture, YG can be seen kneeling to kiss Brittany Renner's baby bump, the caption of which read:

“Aye @bundleofbrittany you TOXIC !!”

Renner responded to the same in the comment section by saying- “2 Pisces so you know it's toxic.” She also posted an Instagram story where she showcased her baby bump, and over the image, she wrote: “You are the father @YG.”

Brittany Renner's Instagram story (Image via bundelofbrittany/Instagram)

Brittany Renner made an appearance in the song where she played the part of YG’s partner and the mother to his kids as he has an affair with another woman on the side. In the song, YG exclaims how he enjoys spending time with his mistress but isn't willing to leave his partner for the other woman, either.

Toxic also samples legendary singer Mary J. Blige’s Be Happy.

Is Brittany Renner pregnant?

The 30-year-old shocked the internet after showcasing a baby bump for the song. However, it does not seem like Brittany Renner is pregnant in real life. The Ocean Springs, Mississippi-native regularly uploads posts on her Instagram page and her most recent uploads do not include a baby bump.

The influencer also has a second Instagram account, “bundleofmilf,” where she regularly posts pictures and she doesn't have a baby bump in any of them.

As an internet personality who often uploads content about her lifestyle, Brittany Renner would have shared the big pregnancy news with her 4.8 million followers. However, her silence about the same seems like she is not carrying in reality.

After Renner was featured on YG’s cover art, many assumed that she was carrying the rapper’s child. Netizens were displeased with their assumptions and one user wrote:

“She gone do the same as she did Washington.”

The netizen was referring to Renner’s ex-boyfriend and baby daddy P.J. Washington. The Instagrammer clapped back at the same, claiming that men would love to get her pregnant. She took to Twitter to respond to the backlash.

Renner and YG were previously spotted in April on an ice cream date. However, neither confirmed being in a relationship together. The former has a son with P.J. Washington, while YG has two daughters.

The aforementioned cover art is not the only one for the song. The cover art for the original version of the song includes two women dressed in red ensembles next to him.

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Update: 2024-06-07