Is Mulan Hernandez Bol Bol's girlfriend & what did she accuse him of? All you need to know
Bol Bol is going through an absolute breakout season in the NBA. With that comes more fans speculating about his personal life and his relationship status. From the looks of things, Bol is still currently dating Mulan Hernandez, an Instagramer and basketball player with over half a million followers. In addition to being a pretty big social media star, she's also a brand ambassador for Fashion Nova.
Last year, Hernandez accused Bol of cheating on her during an Instagram Live. The news came in the midst of Hernandez mourning her brother's death. While coping with the loss, Hernandez was confronted with the possibility that her boyfriend was cheating on her.
She said in the Instagram Live video that this wasn't the first time Bol had cheated on her. At the time, she alleged that he had been cheating on her for almost a year until she found out. In addition to the cheating, she accused him of using his NBA career as an excuse for why he couldn't possibly be cheating on her.

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Since then, Bol Bol has managed to prevent his personal life from interfering with his professional career. After being traded to the Boston Celtics last season, Bol found himself traded to the Orlando Magic. After being sidelined for the entire season, Bol began his revenge tour this year.
He is currently averaging a career-high 12.7 points per game to go along with 7.4 rebounds and 1.8 blocks per game. His averages also see him at 60.4% from the field as well as 42.6% from beyond the arc.
Although the Orlando Magic have struggled, the offseason re-signing of Bol to a two-year $4.4 million contract seems like a steal for the franchise. With the 23-year-old just now finally showing off what he's capable of, it will be interesting to see just how far he goes.
Below you can view highlights from the team's upset win over the Atlanta Hawks this week. In addition, catch Bol in action on Friday night against the first-place Boston Celtics.
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