
Jon Voight surprised that daughter Angelina Jolie had so many kids

Angelina picks up Maddox Jolie-Pitt from Lycee Francais School on 10/5/07. Credit: Michael Carpenter / WENN
Angelina Jolie and her father Jon Voight had a falling out five years ago when he told Access Hollywood that she had mental problems and begged her to let him see his year-old grandson at the time, Maddox. Now Angelina’s family has grown to six and she has had tentative phone conversations with her father, but it’s thought that he has yet to see any of his grandchildren. Jon Voight famously called his grandaughter Shakira by mistake, and he continues to talk to the press about his daughter’s family. In an interview with Fox news, Voight said he was surprised that Angelina has so many kids now since she didn’t even play with dolls when she was a little girl:

Angeline Jolie’s pop is at it again, blabbing to Fox & Friends about his daughter and her growing brood.

“You know, she wasn’t the kind that played with dolls, and then all of the sudden she has all of these children,” Jon Voight said Thursday on the Fox News Channel.

“She loves kids though,” he added. “She’s very playful. It’s wonderful.”

It’s not like Voight’s giving away any big secrets. He confirms the twins, Knox and Vivienne, are “healthy” and “doing well” and says Brad and Angie “are really happy and over the moon.”

[From E! Online]

There isn’t anything particularly controversial in what he said and considering how open Angelina is with the press she probably won’t take offense that her dad said he’s surprised she ended up with a big family. It’s doubtful Voight has ever seen any of his grandchildren in person. Both Angelina and her brother, James Haven have been open about their difficult childhood, in which they were raised by their mother after their parent’s divorce. They paint a picture of a verbally abusive father who was unsupportive and generally absent during their childhood. If anything can help mend a family rift, it’s a bunch of cute grandkids, though.

John Voight is shown below at the premiere of Pineapple Express on 7/31/08. Credit: Nikki Nelson/ WENN


Artie Phelan

Update: 2024-05-07