
The Funniest Tweets From The Fake Rob Dyrdek Twitter Page

Rob Dyrdek at Halo Reach launch

Parody celebrity accounts have become very common on Twitter.  Some of these accounts attempt to pass themselves off as authentic, while others openly state that they have no real affiliation to the celebrity whose name they use.  @IAmRobbDyrdek, a parody Twitter account which was created in 2012, falls into the latter category.  The account, which uses the name and image of professional skater and MTV Ridiculousness host, Rob Dyrdek, currently more than 24,000 followers. Although the account never responds directly to its followers, it tweets regularly and currently has a host of entertaining tweets. Here are five of the funniest tweets from the fake Rob Dyrdek Twitter page.


Throwing fertilizer at people who need to grow the hell up.

— Rob Dyrdek (@IAmRobbDyrdek) January 16, 2015

We all probably know a few people who could stand to grow up a little; however, @IAmRobbDyrdek’s suggestion of throwing fertilizer probably wouldn’t yield the best results.


I feel more confused than Rick Ross with a bowl of salad.

— Rob Dyrdek (@IAmRobbDyrdek) January 18, 2015

Although Rick Ross has always been well-known for his weight, in 2014, he dropped nearly 100 pounds.  Ross also shared that he was working on changing his eating habits.  During an interview, he discussed his cross-fit regimen, and made a brief shout out to his healthy new friend, “the pear.”  If Ross continues to take his weight-loss journey seriously, @IAmRobbDyrdek might have to come up with a new joke.


I hate when I walk through the metal detectors at the airport, and my abs of steel set them off.

— Rob Dyrdek (@IAmRobbDyrdek) January 16, 2015

If you’ve ever been wondering why the security lines at the airport can take hours to get through, @IAmRobbDyrdek has just given you the answer.  Apparently, people with abs of steel can cause a bit of a backup when going through metal detectors.


My shower has two options: 3rd degree burns, or skinning dipping in Antarctica.

— Rob Dyrdek (@IAmRobbDyrdek) January 17, 2015

There’s nothing worse than getting in the shower and realizing there’s nothing you can do to get the water to a comfortable temperature.  @IAmRobbDyrdek seems to be all too familiar with this feeling as his shower appears to have no happy medium.


Why can't the T-Rex clap it's hands? Because it's extinct…

— Rob Dyrdek (@IAmRobbDyrdek) January 7, 2015

Most people probably would have automatically went to the length of the T-Rex’s arms to answer this question.  However, @IAmRobbDyrdek proves there’s nothing like an incredible logical punch line to bring a corny joke home.

 (Photo by Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images)


Delta Gatti

Update: 2024-05-28