What does walking on clouds mean?

The idiom ‘walk on clouds’ means to be extremelyhappy or excited.Click to see full answer. Correspondingly, what does it mean to be up in the clouds?Definition of in the clouds. : spending too muchtime thinking about love or about ideas that are not practicalSince he met Sara, he’s been walking around (with his head) in theclouds.Secondly, what is the meaning of walking on air? Definition of ‘to be walking on air floating onair’ If you say that you are walking on air orfloating on air, you mean that you feel extremelyhappy about something. Also to know, what does walking on Cloud 9 mean? 1. be on cloud nine – feel extreme happiness orelation. exult, jump for joy, walk on air. joy, rejoice -feel happiness or joy.What does walking on sunshine mean?The song is about someone who is very, very happybecause someone loves him, and “walking on sunshine” is howhe expresses his happiness. The phrase suggest he is flying throughthe air on a bright, sunny day.