
Where was Netflix's Pain Hustlers filmed? Shooting locations explored

Emily Blunt will be returning to the big screen with Pain Hustlers, which was nabbed by Netflix at the 2022 Cannes Festival for a whopping $50 million-plus deal.

Built around the American opioid crisis, Netflix's Pain Hustlers has brought in David Yates for the direction and production, besides co-producer Lawrence Grey. The official trailer released on Tuesday, October 9, 2023, took the audience on a ride through the suburbs of the United States to busy hospital corridors, commercial office spaces, and bustling streets of Atlanta City. It is the cinematographer George Richmond (Rocketman) who breathes life into the storyline, which, according to IMDb, is,

"Liza dreams of a better life for her and her daughter so she gets a job at a bankrupt pharmacy and Liza's guts catapult the company and her into the high life not knowing that she will soon be in the middle of a criminal conspiracy."

Pain Hustlers will be released on October 20, 2023, but before that, let us take a look at the filming locations of the project.

Filming locations of Netflix's Pain Hustlers explored

1) Central Florida, USA

Netflix's Pain Hustlers has shot parts of it in the regions of Central Florida, USA. Home to the capital city of Tallahassee, the beach destination of Miami and the wet and marshy Everglades, the state offers a wide range of shooting locations. As reported by Just Jared on September 1, 2022, Chris Evans and Emily Blunt were spotted walking to their location on the set in Miami, Florida.

A still from Pain Hustlers (Image via Netflix)

According to the synopsis of the movie, the pharmaceutical company where Liz (Emily Blunt) lands a job is in Central Florida itself. To stick to the storyline, the crew shot around the region of Central Florida, which is also home to amusement parks and studios such as Walt Disney World and Universal Studios.

2) Atlanta, Georgia, USA

The second location, which has been the backdrop of multiple scenes in the movie, is the metropolitan city of Atlanta, Georgia. The capital city of Georgia is home to stunning skylines and tall buildings of modern architecture.

A still from Pain Hustlers (Image via Netflix)

According to another report dated September 16, 2023, Just Jared spotted the lead actors in the city for their shoot. They reported,

"Chris and Emily were all dressed up while leaving a hotel for the scene on Thursday night (September 15) in Atlanta, Ga."

Atlanta, Georgia, has a couple of major attractions, such as the Georgia Aquarium, Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site, and Fox Theatre.

3) Traveler’s Inn, Georgia, USA

The third location where the Netflix movie has been filmed is 5629 Ogeechee Rd., Savannah, Georgia, USA.

The Traveler’s Inn in Chatham County (Image via WJCL 22 News)

The Traveler’s Inn in Chatham County can be spotted in the first few moments of the trailer when Emily Blunt's character Liza Drake moves into the inn with her daughter Phoebe (Chloe Coleman, Big Little Lies) and grounds herself by saying,

"I will not give up on myself. I will not give up on my dreams. I will make my life count. I will make my life count."

The spot serves as a great starting point for Liza's character as she is shown to build her place in the pharma company from the ground up.

Pain Hustlers premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 11, 2023.

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Update: 2024-06-11